Visibility Coaching & Business Mentorship

for Heart-Aligned Coaches & Healers

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Align with your Future Self

Sometimes, all it takes is claiming what you want to the universe and aligning with that Future version of you that is already living the life of your dreams.

To all of you Heart-Aligned Entrepreneurs out there...

Who are afraid to step into the spotlight and be seen for who you truly are... 

Who don't feel safe enough to embrace your authentic essence...

Who long for more fulfillment and alignment in your life & business...


I see you. I hear you.

I have space to hold for you.

1:1 Coaching

In the 1:1 coaching space, you will get an individualized coaching experience that is tailored to your needs for your life or business so that you can heal from your past, let go of any fears or limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and create a sense of safety that allows you to embrace your true self.

We dive deep in this space. You will feel seen and heard. This coaching container is dedicated to allowing you to step into your power and find your authentic voice.


Group Coaching

I am a lead mentor for a stellar business mentorship program that offers group coaching to coaches who want to build a thriving private practice.

Group coaching is a powerful, interactive experience where you can feel fully seen, heard, and supported by others in your community.

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Biz Membership

If you are a coach or solopreneur who feels stuck in the tech-y, creative side of business -- I have the perfect space for you! 

My business membership was created specifically to help coaches connect with their creative energy, master the tools for getting visible, & systematize and scale their biz using tech.

Hi there, I'm Shawne —

Visibility Coach & Business Mentor.

As a Visibility Coach, my purpose is to advocate for your truth, hold space for the beautiful soul you are, and empower you in your pursuit of being fully seen as your authentic self. After years of working as a registered nurse in conventional healthcare, and doing my own healing work within myself, I’ve discovered that a life of freedom, a life fully expressed, starts from within.

I spent the first decade of my career working with patients and healthcare providers suffering from pain, emotional and physical trauma, burnout, and preventable chronic illnesses. So I decided to leave that world behind to align more with who I truly am as a healer, and what I know the world desperately needs more of:

A compassionate space through which to heal and be witnessed in our human experience.

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"She helped me change my mindset, listen to my heart and reclaim inspiration in my business. Shawne offers gentle coaching with immense depth, and I am grateful to have met her!"

Sterling, WA