The Somatic Elements of Being Seen

authentic visibility emotional intelligence heart-centered business intuitive space somatic work

The Intersection of Somatic Work and Visibility

Hey love, welcome to Vibrant Visibility! Today, I’m diving into a topic that’s close to my heart: the somatic elements of being seen. Last week, we explored practical strategies for showing up authentically in your business, but today, I want to take it a step further. We’re going to delve into the body’s wisdom—how somatic work can help you navigate the often-intimidating journey of becoming visible.

For those of you who may be new to somatic work, it’s all about tapping into the information stored in your body to facilitate healing and growth. While many of us are familiar with mindset work, somatic work might feel a bit foreign. But I promise, it’s a powerful tool that can make a world of difference in how you show up in your business and life.

Understanding Somatic Work: More Than Just Mindset

Somatic work is essentially the practice of tuning into your body’s signals—those subtle sensations, emotions, and intuitions that often get overlooked in our fast-paced world. It’s about creating a deep connection with yourself, honoring what your body is telling you, and using that wisdom to guide your actions.

In the context of visibility, somatic work becomes crucial. Why? Because putting yourself out there—being seen, heard, and truly visible—can trigger all sorts of uncomfortable feelings. It’s vulnerable. It’s intimate. And it often brings up fears of judgment, criticism, and even rejection. These aren’t just abstract fears; they manifest in our bodies as tightness, constriction, and tension.

So, how do we navigate these feelings? How do we create a sense of safety within ourselves so that we can show up fully and authentically? That’s where the somatic check-in comes into play.

The Somatic Check-In: A Daily Practice for Visibility

The somatic check-in is a practice I use every single day, both for myself and with my clients. It’s a way to pause, tune in, and listen to what your body is telling you. By doing this regularly, you start to build a stronger connection with your body’s wisdom, which in turn makes it easier to show up and be seen in your business.


Step 1: Connecting with the Mental Space

Let’s start with the mental space, where most of us spend a lot of time. This is the realm of thoughts, logic, and survival strategies. It’s where our protectors reside—the parts of us that build walls around our internal experience when we feel threatened.

To connect with this space, close your eyes and focus on your thoughts. Notice what’s happening in your mind. Are your thoughts racing? Do you feel tension in your body? Is there a heaviness or restrictive energy? Just observe without judgment.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • When you think about the challenges in your business, what thoughts immediately come to mind?
  • Where do you feel tension, resistance, or discomfort in your body when focusing on those thoughts?
  • Can you identify any recurring stories or protectors that come up in your mental space? How do these stories influence your actions?

By becoming aware of these thoughts and the physical sensations they trigger, you can start to understand the patterns that shape your daily experience. This awareness is the first step in shifting your relationship with visibility.

Step 2: Tuning into the Emotional Space

Next, we move into the emotional space. This is where the physical sensations of our emotions reside—where we feel the weight of anxiety, the lightness of excitement, or the heaviness of grief. Our emotional body gives us valuable insight into our inner world and helps us honor our human experience.

Take a few deep breaths and tune into your emotions. What are you feeling right now? Where in your body do you feel this emotion? Describe the sensations without trying to make sense of them.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • What emotion are you feeling right now?
  • Where in your body do you feel this emotion? What physical sensations are associated with it?
  • Think about a recent event that changed your mood significantly. How did your emotional body react? What physical changes did you notice?

This practice of naming and feeling your emotions without judgment is powerful. It allows you to meet yourself with compassion and love, making it easier to navigate the ups and downs of being visible in your business.


Step 3: Accessing the Intuitive Space

Finally, we dive into the intuitive space—my favorite part of the somatic check-in. This is the deepest, most authentic part of you. It’s where your truth resides, where your inner compass guides you toward what feels most aligned.

Connecting with your intuition can be challenging, especially if you’re used to operating from your mental space. But with practice, you can strengthen this connection and let it guide your decisions in your business and life.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • When you quiet your mind and emotions, what truth or insights come up about your life and business?
  • What decisions or actions feel most aligned with your core values, even if they feel scary?
  • Where in your body do you feel a sense of groundedness or inner knowing? How does your body communicate your truth to you?

Your intuition is your anchor, your North Star. It’s that unwavering part of you that knows what’s right, even when your mind is racing and your emotions are all over the place. By connecting with this space, you can make decisions from a place of alignment rather than fear.

Integrating the Mental, Emotional, and Intuitive Spaces

Now that you’ve explored each of these spaces, the goal is to create harmony between them. It’s not about shutting off your mind or ignoring your emotions. It’s about acknowledging them, honoring them, and allowing your intuition to guide how you respond.

When you integrate these spaces, you create a strong foundation for visibility. You can show up authentically in your business, grounded in your truth, and resilient in the face of fear or criticism. This is how you create a business that feels aligned with who you are—a business that thrives because it’s built on a foundation of self-awareness and self-compassion.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Somatic Work into Your Visibility Practice

Here are some actionable steps you can take to start incorporating somatic work into your daily visibility practice:

  • Daily Somatic Check-In: Make the somatic check-in a daily practice. Set aside five to ten minutes each morning to tune into your mental, emotional, and intuitive spaces. This simple practice can help you start your day feeling grounded and connected.
  • Create a Safe Space for Emotions: When you notice uncomfortable emotions arising—whether it’s anxiety, fear, or doubt—take a moment to pause and feel them. Create a safe space for these emotions to be expressed. Remember, your emotions are valid, and they’re just as important as your thoughts.
  • Listen to Your Body’s Signals: Pay attention to the physical sensations in your body. If you notice tension or tightness when thinking about a particular task or decision, take that as a sign to explore what’s going on. Your body has valuable wisdom to share.
  • Honor Your Intuition: When you receive an intuitive hit—a sense of knowing deep in your gut—honor it. Even if it feels scary or uncomfortable, trust that your intuition is guiding you toward what’s best for you. Take small steps toward acting on your intuition, and notice how it feels.
  • Practice Compassion: Be gentle with yourself as you navigate this journey. Visibility can be challenging, and it’s normal to feel resistance. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging where you are, honoring your progress, and giving yourself grace as you continue to grow.

Inviting You to Dive Deeper into Somatic Work

I hope this deep dive into the somatic elements of visibility has been helpful for you. Remember, building a heart-centered business is as much about inner work as it is about strategy. By tuning into your body’s wisdom, you create a strong foundation for authentic visibility—one that’s rooted in self-awareness, compassion, and alignment.

If you’re ready to take this work to the next level, I’d love to invite you to join me in Vibrant Visibility, my six-month somatic group coaching program. This program is designed to help you connect with your intuition, build internal safety, and step into the spotlight with confidence and authenticity. Doors are open now, but they’ll close on August 30th, 2024.

If you feel called to explore this work more deeply and create a business that truly aligns with who you are, I’d love to have you in this space. You can apply here or reach out to me directly if you have any questions.

Thank you for spending this time with me today. I’m so grateful for this community, and I’m excited to see how you continue to grow and shine in your business.






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