Redefining Your Relationship With Hustle

aligned entrepreneurship balance in business heart-centered hustle hustle without burnout tech mastery for coaches

Redefining Hustle: How to Balance Hard Work and Alignment in Your Coaching Business

Let’s talk hustle, shall we? I know it’s a word that can spark strong emotions and opinions for many of us, especially those of us who want to build and scale our heart-centered coaching businesses without burning out or losing ourselves in the process.

But here’s the thing: hustle doesn’t have to be a dirty word. It’s not the villain we’ve all been taught to fear. In fact, in the right context, hustle can be a beautiful part of your business, an expression of passion, creativity, and determination. However, the key is to hustle with intention, from a place of alignment, and not out of obligation or fear.

In this blog post, we’re going to dive deep into redefining your relationship with hustle so that it becomes a tool for growth rather than a source of guilt or burnout. I’ll share some personal stories, lessons learned, and actionable steps to help you embrace hustle in a heart-centered way.


My Journey: From Nurse to Entrepreneur

Before I became a coach, I was a nurse working long, grueling shifts in the hospital. Overtime, night shifts, and sacrificing personal time for work were the norms for me. I grew up believing that working harder equaled more success, even at the expense of my own mental and physical well-being.

When I transitioned into entrepreneurship, this belief carried over. I worked late nights, weekends, and found myself constantly glued to my laptop. After becoming a mom, the guilt hit me hard. I felt torn between being present for my family and pouring myself into my business. I would show up to coaching calls feeling like a terrible mom, wife, and entrepreneur, simply because I couldn’t find that perfect balance.

But the truth I came to realize is that hustle isn’t inherently bad—it’s how we engage with it that matters.


The Stigma Around Hustle and Anti-Hustle Culture

We live in a time where the hustle culture—often glamorized as the path to success—faces fierce backlash from the rise of anti-hustle movements. On one side, hustle is demonized as the destroyer of personal relationships and self-care. On the other, there’s the belief that if you’re not hustling, you’re not serious about success.

It can feel confusing, right?

I’ve learned that there’s a happy medium. Hustling from a place of excitement, creativity, and inspiration is empowering. It can feel like an act of creation rather than obligation. When you’re in that zone of passion, hustle doesn’t have to be this draining, unhealthy thing—it can be exhilarating.

The key is to recognize that not all hustle is created equal. Hustling from scarcity or fear feels entirely different than hustling from joy and creativity.


Balancing Hustle and Alignment

So, how do you find that balance between working hard and staying aligned with your values and well-being?

Here are a few strategies I’ve found to be game-changers:

Check In With Your Body

Before diving headfirst into a big project or launch, pause and check in with yourself. Where is the desire to hustle coming from? Is it rooted in fear or scarcity? Or does it stem from excitement, inspiration, and the joy of creation?

Our bodies can give us incredible insight into what’s going on beneath the surface. If you’re feeling tense, stressed, or out of alignment, it’s worth taking a step back to recalibrate. I love using somatic practices, and if you’re looking for guidance, I’ve created a simple somatic check-in worksheet that can help you tune into your body’s signals.

Pro Tip: Download my Somatic Check-In Worksheet to help you create this practice.

Set Clear Boundaries

Even if you’re in a phase of hustle, it’s important to set boundaries for yourself. Knowing when to push and when to pull back is key to avoiding burnout.

For example, during my most recent launch for Vibrant Visibility, I knew I’d need to hustle at the beginning and end of the launch, but I intentionally built rest into the middle phase. This gave me the energy to finish strong without feeling completely drained.

Action Step: Create space for rest and recovery in your schedule, and don’t be afraid to ask for support from your community, partner, or coach.

Give Yourself Permission to Enjoy the Hustle

Here’s a little secret: it’s okay to love the hustle. If you’re someone who thrives on working hard and enjoys getting things done quickly, own that part of yourself. It doesn’t make you “bad” or “wrong” to want to pour your heart and energy into your business.

The difference lies in your relationship to the results. Hustle because you love it, not because you’re relying on it to bring you validation or success. Detach from the outcome, and allow yourself to find joy in the work itself.

Honor the Seasons of Your Business

Every business goes through seasons—some of hustle and some of rest. Neither is inherently better than the other; they’re both essential to long-term success. But it’s easy to fall into the comparison trap when you see other coaches constantly launching, showing up, and pushing forward.

Here’s your permission slip: just because someone else is hustling doesn’t mean you need to be. Honor where you’re at. If you’re in a slower season, embrace it. If you’re in a season of hustle, lean into it without guilt.


The Power of Asking for Support

One of the most transformative lessons I’ve learned is that you don’t have to do it all alone. During my last-minute launch for Vibrant Visibility, I had to have an honest conversation with my husband about needing extra support. Whether it’s your partner, friends, or team, asking for help during periods of hustle can make all the difference.

I also leaned heavily on my mentor during this time. Having that external support helped me stay grounded, focused, and energized through the ups and downs.

Action Step: Identify who in your life can offer you support during your next big push. Don’t be afraid to ask for help—it’s a strength, not a weakness.


Redefining Hustle on Your Terms

At the end of the day, the beauty of being an entrepreneur is that you get to make your own rules. There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to run your business. You get to decide when and how you hustle, what feels good, and when to rest.

So, how do you want to redefine hustle for yourself?


Practical Tips for Heart-Centered Hustling

Let’s get practical! Here are some tangible tips for hustling in a way that feels aligned and heart-centered:

  1. Listen to your body:  Always check in with yourself physically and emotionally before jumping into a period of hustle. Is your body ready for it?
  2. Set boundaries: Protect your time and energy by setting clear boundaries, both for yourself and others.
  3. Enjoy the process: Find the joy in the hustle without attaching your worth or success to the outcome.
  4. Rest intentionally: Build periods of rest into your schedule and don’t be afraid to slow down when needed.
  5. Ask for help:  You don’t have to do it all alone. Ask for support from those around you.

Reflecting on Your Relationship with Hustle

As you move forward, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on your current relationship with hustle. How do you feel about it? Is there guilt or pressure attached to working hard? How can you begin to shift your mindset so that hustle feels exciting and aligned with your purpose?

If you have a journal handy, jot down what hustle looks like for you. What kind of hustle excites and energizes you? What kind feels draining? And how can you incorporate supportive practices to nourish yourself during periods of intense work?


The Membership Your Business Needs!

As you continue to build your business and redefine what hustle looks like for you, having the right tools and support makes all the difference. That’s where Tech Mastery for Coaches comes in!

Tech Mastery for Coaches is the ultimate resource to help you confidently navigate the tech side of your business so you can spend less time feeling overwhelmed by systems and more time doing the work you love. Whether it’s streamlining your processes, creating systems for growth, or learning the ins and outs of social media, this program has everything you need to scale your business with ease.

🌟 Join Tech Mastery for Coaches today and take the guesswork out of tech!

Remember, you get to make the rules in your business. So, let’s redefine hustle together in a way that feels aligned, fulfilling, and heart-centered.


Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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