The 5-Step Process I Use to Make the Most Aligned Business Decisions

aligned decision making heart centered business soul led entrepreneur tech mastery for coaches

5 Steps to Making Aligned Decisions in Your Business

I know firsthand how overwhelming decision-making can be, especially when you're in your first year of business or even navigating a new phase of growth. For many of us, high-achievers, people-pleasers, and perfectionists, making decisions quickly can feel like a massive challenge. You might find yourself second-guessing every move, wondering if you're making the "right" choice, or relying too much on outside validation.

I get it because I used to be there. For the longest time, I let other people's opinions influence my decisions, and I ignored my intuition. I overthought everything, waiting for someone else to say, "Yes, you're doing it right!" But building a soul-led business requires something different. It requires deep self-trust and the ability to tune into what feels most aligned for YOU—not just what others say works.

That’s why I'm excited to share my 5-step process for making aligned decisions in your business. This process has not only transformed my own entrepreneurial journey but has also guided my clients to make decisions that resonate deeply with their hearts and souls. Whether you're deciding on a new offer, a collaboration, or even your next marketing move, this process will help you make choices that truly feel right for you.


Step 1: Brain Dump All Your Ideas

The first step to making aligned decisions is to clear the clutter in your mind by brain-dumping everything out on paper. This step allows you to see all your ideas, possibilities, and potential decisions clearly. Often, when we keep all of our thoughts in our heads, they can start to tangle up, creating unnecessary anxiety and confusion. So, let’s get them all out!

You can do this in a general way—just let every idea or decision you're considering spill onto the page. Or, if you have a specific decision in mind (like launching a new offer or deciding between collaborations), brain dump everything related to that. There’s no wrong way to do this.

Here’s how to brain dump like a pro:

  • Write down every idea, big or small.
  • Don't filter yourself—this is a judgment-free zone!
  • Use a notebook, a whiteboard, or even sticky notes to organize your thoughts visually.

Pro tip: Make this a regular part of your routine! I include brain dumping in my daily practice called "Somatic Start," which is a sacred time each morning to check in with my mind, body, and emotions. I let all my thoughts, worries, and inspirations flow freely onto the page. It’s like hitting the mental reset button for the day.


Step 2: Narrow Down Your List

Once you’ve got everything out of your head and onto paper, it’s time to get strategic. Look at your list and narrow it down to the two ideas or decisions that feel the most aligned and have the most potential to move your business forward.

This is where a little filtering comes into play. Not every idea is meant to be executed right now. Some ideas might be brilliant, but they won’t serve your business at this moment. That’s okay! The goal here is to identify what’s both exciting and aligned with your vision and your energy.

How to filter your ideas:

  • Ask yourself, "Which of these ideas makes me feel the most excited?"
  • Consider what will create the most momentum in your business.
  • Notice any physical reactions in your body—what feels like a strong “yes” versus a “meh”?

It’s important to remember that alignment doesn’t always follow logic. Sometimes, an idea that seems less “practical” might feel more aligned because it lights you up inside. Trust that feeling.


Step 3: Trust Your Intuition

Now that you’ve narrowed it down to two potential options, here’s where things get exciting! Choose the one option that feels the most aligned and exciting to you by listening to your body and trusting your intuition.

I know it can be tempting to lean on logic alone when making decisions, especially if you’ve been taught to prioritize data and practicality over feelings. But, babe, your body has wisdom too! So, for this step, I want you to set aside your logical brain and let your intuition lead.

Here’s what I mean:

  • Tune into your body

How does it feel when you think about each decision? One might feel light and expansive, while the other feels heavy or constricting.

  • Pay attention to excitement

Excitement is a huge clue that you’re on the right track. Even if it feels risky or unconventional, trust that excitement.

Example: When I was deciding how to structure my recent live series, "Soulful Systems for Sustainable Growth," I had the option to do it as a Zoom workshop or a live social media series. Both options had worked for me in the past, but I felt more energized by the idea of doing it live on social media. It excited me, and I knew from experience that it would create more connection with my audience. Trusting that excitement led to an incredibly successful series!


Step 4: Connect to Your Why

Now that you've made your decision, it’s time to connect to the deeper why behind it. Why is this decision so important to you? What’s the intention or goal that’s driving it?

Knowing your why is crucial for staying anchored when things get tough. Let’s face it—running a business comes with moments of doubt and uncertainty, and you’ll need something to hold onto when those moments arise. Your "why" will be your North Star, guiding you through the ups and downs.

Here’s how to connect with your why:

  • Ask yourself: Why does this decision matter to me, beyond money or success?
  • Think about the impact this decision will have on your community, clients, or the world.
  • Write your why down and keep it somewhere visible as a reminder. 

Example: When I launched Vibrant Visibility, my reason was all about sharing the somatic practices that had transformed my own ability to show up authentically in my business. I wanted my clients to experience the same level of confidence and visibility, so every time I doubted myself, I came back to that why. It wasn’t about the number of clients or the revenue—it was about sharing work that I deeply believed in.


Step 5: Create a Tangible Plan

Finally, it’s time to get into the logistics. Now that you’ve made your aligned decision and connected with your why, it’s time to create a tangible plan to bring your decision to life.

This is where the logical brain comes back into play. You’ve let your intuition lead, but now we need to map out the steps you’ll take to execute your decision. This part is about breaking down the big goal into smaller, actionable tasks.

Here’s how to map out your plan:

  • Break down the decision into smaller steps.
  • Schedule time to work on each step in your calendar.
  • Consider what resources or support you’ll need to make this decision happen.

Example: When I decided to launch Vibrant Visibility, I mapped out my entire launch plan—from creating the content, writing the emails, and promoting the program on social media. I even asked my husband to help out with childcare and leaned into my coach for accountability and feedback. By breaking it down, I turned what felt like a big decision into manageable, actionable steps.


Aligned Decisions Are Your Superpower

Making aligned decisions is a skill that takes practice, but once you master it, it becomes your entrepreneurial superpower. It allows you to build a business that feels true to your heart, not just based on what everyone else is doing or what you think you "should" be doing. And the more you practice, the more you'll be able to make quick, confident decisions that move your business forward in the most aligned way.

Remember, your business is an extension of you. Trusting yourself to make decisions from a heart-centered place is key to creating the freedom, success, and joy that you desire in your business.

If this process resonated with you, I invite you to download my Aligned Decision-Making Worksheet. It's a free tool that walks you through each of these steps, helping you make aligned decisions with clarity and confidence.




P.S. Speaking of decisions—I'm currently running a flash sale on my membership program, Tech Mastery for Coaches!

This membership helps heart-centered coaches master technology in their business, so they can feel confident and empowered in creating systems that support their long-term growth. 

You can sign up for your first month for just $11 (normally $457)! This sale ends in 10 days, so don’t miss it. Click Here to sign up and start your journey toward tech mastery today! 




Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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