Simple Systems to Organize the Chaos in Your Coaching Business

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The Simple Systems Every Coach Needs to Run Their Business With Ease

Many of my clients feel overwhelmed by the behind-the-scenes tasks that seem to pile up, leaving them feeling scattered and out of control. And let’s be real, I’ve been there too.

I’m here to support you with finding that sweet spot between chaos and control, so you can experience more flow, ease, and clarity in your business. Because while organization alone won’t magically grow your business, it can absolutely help you create a sustainable structure, reduce overwhelm, and give you the mental space to focus on what really matters—connecting with people, offering your gifts, and growing your impact.

So today, we’re going to break down the four essential areas every coach or healer needs to streamline in their business, along with some super simple systems that will help you feel organized and ready to take on the world. Let's go!


Why Organization Matters (Even When It Feels Like a Distraction)

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, I want to address something that might be sitting in the back of your mind. You might be thinking: "But Shawne, isn’t focusing on organization just a way to procrastinate on the harder, scarier stuff like putting myself out there?" And I hear you! Sometimes we use organizing as a way to avoid taking action, especially when it comes to things that feel vulnerable—like making offers or showing up online.

But here’s the thing: when your business feels disorganized and chaotic, it’s really hard to stay grounded and clear enough to make aligned decisions. A little structure can go a long way in helping you feel confident and focused so that you can tackle the hard stuff with more ease.

That said, I’m not suggesting that you spend months creating systems. A quick week or two of an “organization overhaul” is more than enough to get things in place. Once that foundation is set, you can get back to focusing on connecting with clients and growing your business.


The 4 Magical Categories of Business Organization

Now, let’s talk about the four essential areas of your business that, when organized with intention, can create a foundation of ease and flow. These are the core categories that will help you stay on top of things without feeling bogged down by endless to-dos.

 1. Admin & Operations

2. Marketing & Sales  

3. Programs & Delivery 

4. Learning & Development

Let’s break each one down!

1. Admin & Operations: The Backbone of Your Business

This is the machinery that keeps your business running behind the scenes. When your admin and operations are organized, you’ll feel like the CEO of your business, rather than someone just trying to keep their head above water.

Here’s what you should include:

• Legal & Financial Documents: Set up a folder to store copies of contracts, LLC/S-Corp paperwork, tax documents, and receipts. You’ll want everything in one place so it’s easily accessible when you need it.

• SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures): These are step-by-step guides for recurring tasks like onboarding new clients, posting content, or sending out invoices. Even if you’re a one-person show right now, having SOPs in place will save you so much time as you grow. Plus, when you eventually bring on team members, you’ll already have processes ready to hand off.

Platforms I Recommend:

• Google Workspace: This is perfect for organizing documents, creating task lists, and storing important files.

• Basecamp (my personal fave), Trello, or Asana: If you’re ready to take things up a notch, these project management tools can help you stay on top of tasks and deadlines. 

2. Marketing & Sales: Your Visibility Powerhouse 

Marketing is a huge part of your business, especially as a coach or healer. When this part of your business is organized, you’ll spend less time stressing about content and more time engaging with your audience.

Here’s what you should include:

• Content Library: Keep a folder for all your marketing materials—blog posts, social media graphics, email copy, and website copy. This will make it easy to repurpose content and stay consistent without reinventing the wheel.

• Templates: Have a go-to set of templates (I use Canva!) for graphics, slides, and even Instagram posts. This will streamline your design process, making it quicker and more fun to create new content.

• Sales Assets: Store your sales pages, promotional emails, and product descriptions all in one place so you can easily update and use them for future launches.

Pro Tip: Keep your marketing folder separate from other parts of your business. You’ll be amazed at how much smoother your content creation process becomes when everything is easy to find.

3. Programs & Delivery: Streamlining Client Support

This section is all about organizing your coaching programs and client delivery so that you can show up fully for your clients without feeling scattered.

Here’s what you should include:

• Client Tracker: Whether it’s a Google Sheet or a dedicated CRM (Client Relationship Management) tool, keep a list of your current and past clients. Track where they are in your process—onboarding, mid-program, or wrapping up—and what support they need next.

• Contracts & Resources: Store signed contracts, client agreements, and any resources or worksheets you use with your clients in this folder. Keeping everything in one place ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.

• Templates & Tools: If you create worksheets, templates, or other resources for your clients, organize them here. This makes it easy to share them with new clients or update them as needed.

Pro Tip: Set reminders to check in on your clients’ progress and to refresh any resources or course content you offer. Regular updates help keep your work fresh and valuable.

4. Learning & Development: Investing in You

As heart-centered entrepreneurs, we can’t grow our businesses without growing ourselves. Your learning and development folder is where you’ll store anything that helps you improve your skills and up-level your business.

Here’s what you should include:

• Courses & Certifications: Keep a folder for notes, resources, and certificates from any training programs or courses you take.

• Books & Podcasts: If you take notes while reading or listening to podcasts, store those here too. You never know when inspiration will strike, and having those notes handy can help you integrate new ideas into your business.

• Professional Development: Include webinars, workshops, or mastermind notes in this section. Consistently investing in your growth as a coach will keep you ahead of the curve.


Creating Your Digital Organization System

Now that we’ve covered the four essential categories, let’s talk about how to create a digital organization system that actually works for you. The goal here is to simplify your file storage so you can access what you need in seconds, not hours.

Step 1: Use a Cloud-Based Storage System

If you’re not already using something like Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud, I highly recommend making the switch. Cloud storage lets you access your files from anywhere, plus you don’t have to worry about losing everything if your computer crashes. I personally use Google Drive for everything in my business.

Step 2: Create a Folder Structure

Set up your main folders using the four categories we just discussed:

1. Admin & Operations

2. Marketing & Sales

3. Programs & Delivery

4. Learning & Development

Within each of these, create subfolders based on what makes the most sense for your business. For example, within “Marketing & Sales,” you might have subfolders for “Emails,” “Podcast Episodes,” and “Social Media Content.” Keep things simple and easy to navigate.

Step 3: Name Your Files Intentionally

How many times have you downloaded a file named something like “IMG_1234” and lost it? To avoid this, get in the habit of renaming files the moment you download them. Include a brief description and, if relevant, the date. 

• For example: “Client_Onboarding_Template_April2024” is way easier to find later than “Document(1).” 

Step 4: Organize as You Go

Don’t wait until things pile up to start organizing. Save yourself future stress by sorting files into their designated folders immediately. It takes a few extra seconds but will save you hours down the road.


How to Work With Your Energy (and Keep Your Systems Flexible)

The key to creating sustainable systems is to design them in a way that aligns with your energy and working style. No one’s business runs exactly the same way, so feel free to tweak these suggestions to suit you.

Here are a few tips:

• Batch Tasks vs. Daily Tasks: If you prefer working in larger chunks of time, try batching tasks like content creation, client calls, or admin work. But if daily routines suit you better, break things down into smaller to-dos and tackle a bit each day.

• Work With Your Energy Cycles: Are you more creative in the mornings? Do you get your best admin work done after lunch? Organize your work schedule around your natural energy peaks and valleys. You’ll find things flow much better when you honor your own rhythms.

And finally, stay flexible! As your business grows, your systems will need to evolve with you. Every quarter or so, check in on your systems and processes. Are they still serving you? Do you need to adjust anything to match where you are now?


Feeling ready to simplify your systems and create more ease in your business?

I’m currently running a flash sale for my Tech Mastery for Coaches membership, where you’ll get access to my entire library of tech tutorials, templates, and organization tips for just $11 for your first month (normally $457). This offer is only available until October 18th, so don’t miss out!

Head to the link here to grab this incredible deal, and start creating systems that support your growth as a CEO.





Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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