coach shawne in a lupine field

Hi, I'm Shawne Arceneaux!

Registered Nurse turned Visibility Coach & Business Mentor for Heart-Centered Coaches & Healers.

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It All Started Back in 2015…

I had just graduated from nursing school and I was so excited about becoming a nurse. I always knew that I was meant to help people, and this career path seemed like the perfect fit for me at the time.

I could just picture it in my head:

I’d have a fulfilling job where I would feel like I was actually doing some good in the world. I would come home every day feeling PROUD of the work that I was doing. I would be able to connect on a deeper level with my patients and build strong relationships with those around me. I would be part of something bigger that filled the deep desire I have to really make a difference in this world

Fast forward to 2021, post-COVID, about six years into my nursing career… It never actually turned out how I had pictured it. Instead of what I envisioned, I was finding myself in the depths of total burnout. I wasn’t connecting with my patients because I spent so much time either behind a computer screen charting or being a glorified waitress with narcotics. 

I was the unhealthiest I had ever been whenever I was working in the hospital as a nurse. It got to the point where I looked in the mirror one day and said, “Something HAS to change.” So I feel like I had no other choice but to either find a different path in nursing OR get real with myself and consider quitting nursing altogether. Yikes.

coach shawne on a pink background

Enter: Coaching.

Listen, being an entrepreneur was really the last thing on my mind whenever I graduated from nursing school. But coaching kept finding its way into my awareness through conversations, ads on social media… and after one tough night shift, I found myself sitting down at the nurse’s station scrolling on my phone going down a coaching rabbit hole. The more I learned about coaching and the more I allowed myself to explore this avenue, it became crystal clear that this was the path for me.

So I took a really big leap. I invested in a certification. I invested in a business coach... and that was the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey.

It’s possible for you to create a life and business you LOVE.

I started my private practice before I even graduated from certification. I signed my first handful of paying clients right away. I filled my practice to the point where I was able to leave my full time job only 8 months after I launched my business. I created a six-figure practice after my first year and a multiple six-figure practice my second year. And most important of all… I was able to take a spacious maternity leave as a brand new mama without worrying about when I needed to be back at work, where money was going to come from, or having to report to some corporate healthcare big-wig who couldn’t care less about my actual wellbeing.


It’s been a dream to create and build a career that actually supports my life versus pursuing a career that drains the life out of me. And I've also really been honored to mentor new & established coaches to help them be LIGHTHOUSES for the people they are meant to help. I’ve been able to have a front row seat, watching these badass coaches build their practices in a heart-centered way, in a way that feels in alignment with who they are instead of just following the societal rules we’ve all been conditioned to follow. Not to mention, I kind of geek out on the operations/admin/tech side of business too - which most new coaches HATE!


coach shawne working on a laptop with clients
coach shawne standing in lupine field

I believe that each of us deserves the freedom to fully express ourselves through our work.

The biggest lesson that I’ve learned in my entrepreneurial journey is that every single one of us is capable of living a creative life fully expressed. We have so much power and intelligence within ourselves and our bodies, it’s just a matter of being willing to trust and connect with it. I’ve also learned that there is nothing more healing than connecting with my true self and giving myself permission to be 100% authentically ME, in all my beautiful mess. I had spent so long criticizing myself, my choices, my achievements, etc. I didn’t realize how damaging my previous conditioning was to my sense of identity and purpose.

If you are a healer that knows you are meant for more, I invite you to take this as your sign to explore every dream and desire you have hiding deep inside your heart, no matter how outrageous and unrealistic it may sound. There is a reason you were called to this healing work.

It’s time for you to let that light SHINE and BE SEEN for the magical being you are.

Things you should know about me as your coach...

  1. I’m somatically-trained and trauma-informed. I believe entrepreneurship is its own healing modality and starting a business can hold a mirror up to all of the dark parts of us that want to be healed. I incorporate somatic work into my business coaching & mentorship for this reason.
  2. I’m not afraid to challenge you. I have done my own work as a recovering people-pleaser, and I know when to bring the spice when it is for your highest good. I see the traps that my clients fall into, and my commitment to you as your coach is to help keep the flashlight on those traps so you can be aware of them and choose whether or not you’ll step into them.
  3. When I work with you, I am 100% my authentic self - and I encourage you to lean into your authenticity as much as possible as well. In a coaching space with me, there is no hiding, there are no masks, only beauty, honor, and appreciation for the truth of who we are.
  4. I'm not a mind reader. I highly value open communication when it comes to supporting my clients. If there is a need you’d like to be met, I call you forward to ask for it, and use your voice to share what needs to be different in the way that I am supporting you.

I'd love to be your guide & mentor!

Are you ready to be seen by the people that need your help?

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From 1:1 & group coaching to memberships & free resources, I offer a range of services that allow you to build a business that feels in alignment with who you are as a healer.

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I would love to stay connected! Make sure you follow me on social media (I'm mainly hanging out on Instagram). I absolutely love connecting with my people there.

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If you are a coach or healer who has been looking for support in growing and scaling your heart-centered business, my free community is the perfect place for you!

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Download the Somatic Check-In Worksheet

This practice is the one thing that has helped me stay centered, grounded, and in alignment with my business (and life).

Do this check-in every day, and you'll notice your relationship with yourself, your body, and your inner world start to shift.