Authentic Visibility: Embracing Your True Self to Scale Your Coaching Business

authentic connection authentic visibility business growth coaches and healers heart-centered business

Hey there, my heart-centered coach and healer friends! đź‘‹

Welcome to the first official post of the new Vibrant Visibility blog. It feels so good to be connecting with you all again in this rebranded space. I'm Shawne, and I'm thrilled to kick off this journey with a topic that's close to my heart (and I know it resonates with yours too): authentic visibility.

I've seen firsthand how many of you in my community struggle with putting yourselves out there in a way that feels true to who you are. You want to shine your light brightly, but the fear of seeming fake or "salesy" holds you back. I get it. As heart-centered coaches and healers, we're driven by a deep desire to serve with integrity, and that makes us crave authenticity in every aspect of our business.

So, let's dive into the heart of it: how can we embrace visibility in a way that feels genuine and effective for growing your business?


The Foundation of a Heart-Centered Business

Authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's the core of a successful, heart-centered coaching practice. When you operate your business from a place of authenticity, it means you are tapping into your deeper purpose and aligning your business with your core values and your heart.

As healers, we're naturally drawn to helping and serving others. It's in our DNA, especially if you’re like me and come from a healthcare background. But in the entrepreneurial world, it's easy to get caught up in the noise and lose sight of that core desire because there is SO much information out there.

There are lots of different ways to sell, some ways are in integrity with how we can build our business, and other ways not so much. 

That's why authenticity matters. It's important to discern what our values are and make sure that feels connected to how we are running and building our business. It’s more than just attracting clients; it’s creating a business that feels totally in sync with your soul.


Your Story Shapes Your Visibility

Before we dive into strategies, let's take a moment to reflect on your personal relationship with being seen. Many of us carry past experiences, traumas, and limiting beliefs that shape how we perceive our ability to be visible today.

I'll be honest; I was often told as a child that I was too loud, too talkative, too emotional, “too much”. It made me hesitant to fully express myself and share my voice as an adult, and then in my business when I first started.

Sound familiar? Acknowledging those experiences is the first step towards overcoming the fear of being seen. These experiences make you who you are. They create the beautiful, unique work of art that is your heart and soul. Acknowledging your own past experiences also allows you to embrace your unique voice and use it to connect with your ideal clients, rather than using it as an excuse for why you don’t fit in or why someone will never hire you.


Leaning into Vulnerability

To be authentically visible, we need to be vulnerable. It may feel scary, like you’re standing naked on a stage with all of these strangers staring at you waiting for you to do something extraordinary… but it's the key to creating genuine connections. Here’s why:

Sharing your struggles and triumphs, your fears and hopes, allows you to build trust and relatability with your audience. It shows them that you're human, just like them, and that you understand their challenges.

Vulnerability also encourages others to open up, creating a safe space for connection and conversation. Remember, your heart-centered business thrives on relationships. Opening up that dialogue is what will really help you create those genuine relationships with people.


Making Visibility Fun and Creative

Visibility shouldn't be a chore. It should be an enjoyable expression of your unique personality and brand.

Experiment with different mediums, like video blogs, collaborative events, or themed social media days. Find ways to infuse fun and creativity into your visibility efforts.

Remember, building a sustainable business means creating a practice that you love. When you enjoy the process of connecting with your audience, it shows, and it attracts the right people to you.


Infusing Your Personality

I often hear coaches say, "I want to seem professional. I don't want to share too much personal information." But here's the thing: infusing your personality, your story, and your experiences into your brand makes you memorable and relatable.

It's okay to be professional, but don't be afraid to let your true self shine through. Share your quirks, your passions, and your vulnerabilities. It will make your interactions with potential clients feel more genuine and less transactional.


Practical Steps to Enhance Your Authentic Visibility

  • Choose Your Medium Wisely

Select a platform or channel where you feel most comfortable and effective. Whether it's social media, video blogs, or face-to-face interactions, focus on what feels authentic to you.

  • Engage

Be the initiator in conversations. Ask questions, get curious, encourage comments, and create calls to action that foster engagement and connection.

  • Be Consistently Present

Show up regularly, but in a way that feels sustainable for you. Batch content, plan ahead, and build in rest time.


Remember, being visible isn't just about being seen; it's about showing your heart and embracing your journey. Authentic visibility not only helps you connect with your ideal clients, but it also plays a crucial role in the growth and sustainability of your business.

If you're ready to dive deeper into authentic visibility and create a heart-centered business that lights you up, I invite you to join me in the free Facebook group, Visibility and Tech Support for Coaches.

And if you're craving a more somatic, soul-aligned approach to visibility and business growth, my new group coaching program, Vibrant Visibility, might be the perfect fit for you. We'll dive deep into nervous system regulation, embodiment practices, and heart-centered marketing strategies to help you shine your light brightly and attract your dream clients.

Finally, if you're looking for support with the tech side of things, my membership, Tech Mastery for Coaches, breaks down the logistics of visibility and teaches you how to use different platforms effectively.

Wherever you are on your journey, I'm here to support you. Remember, your authentic visibility is your superpower. Embrace it, and watch your business thrive.




Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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