6 Red Flags You Don't Want to Ignore When Looking to Hire a Coach

heart-centered coaching intuitive decision-making red flags in coaching choosing the right mentor scammy coaches

How to Spot a Scammy Coach and Find the Right Mentor to Support Your Business

Hello, my beautiful community of heart-centered coaches, healers, and entrepreneurs! I’m so excited to have you back here on the Vibrant Visibility blog, where we dive deep into all things related to growing your soul-led business with integrity, creativity, and authenticity.

Today, I’m coming in hot with a little spice because there’s something I’ve been seeing in our community that’s been stirring up my protective mama bear energy. As someone who is fiercely protective of my fellow coaches and healers, I feel it’s my responsibility to speak out about this issue: the growing number of scammy coaches and mentors who are out there, preying on those who are just beginning their journey.

It makes my blood boil to see these people operating out of integrity, pushing high-pressure sales tactics, and making unrealistic promises. But more than that, it breaks my heart to see passionate, heart-centered coaches like you getting taken advantage of, losing hope, and even giving up on your dreams because of a bad experience.

So, let’s talk about how you can protect yourself, spot the red flags, and find a coach or mentor who truly has your back.


The Power of Your Intuition

Before we dive into the specifics, I want to emphasize something I always tell my clients: Trust your intuition. Your body is an incredible source of wisdom, constantly sending you signals about what’s truly aligned for you and what isn’t. As you read through this post, I encourage you to check in with yourself. Notice how your body reacts to certain ideas or examples. That twisty feeling in your stomach? The heaviness in your chest? The tension in your shoulders? These are all signals from your body that something might be off.

If you’ve ever felt pressured into signing up for a program that wasn’t right for you, or if you’ve worked with a coach who made you feel more insecure than empowered, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Those physical sensations are your body’s way of communicating with you, urging you to pause, reflect, and listen to your inner guidance.

Now, let’s break down some of the red flags you should be on the lookout for when considering a coach or mentor.


Red Flag #1: High-Pressure Sales Tactics

One of the most obvious red flags is when a coach or mentor uses high-pressure sales tactics to get you to sign up for their program. If they’re making you feel guilty, ashamed, or pressured to give them an answer right away, that’s a huge red flag. It’s manipulative, and it feels gross…because it IS gross.

You deserve to make decisions that feel 100% aligned with your values, your heart, and your business. A coach who respects you and your autonomy will never make you feel rushed or pressured to make a decision. They’ll give you the space and time you need to consider whether their program is the right fit for you.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where a coach is pushing you to sign up quickly or even shaming you for needing to think about it, run the other way. There’s no need to rush such an important decision. Take your time, trust your gut, and make sure it feels right for you.


Red Flag #2: Unrealistic Promises

True transformation and success in a heart-centered business takes time. It takes effort, patience, and a lot of going inward. Your pace is unique to you, and it’s not going to be the same as anyone else’s.

If a coach is promising you overnight success, massive income in a short amount of time, or any other unrealistic outcome, be cautious. Real growth is a slow but exponential process, and it’s a journey that can’t be assigned a definite timeline. Be especially wary of coaches who push the “sneeze and make 10K months” kind of energy. While it’s possible to achieve massive success, it’s important to understand that it requires a solid foundation, consistent effort, and alignment with your truth and your heart.

A good coach will set realistic expectations and guide you through the process of building a sustainable and authentic business. They’ll be honest with you about the challenges you might face and the time it might take to achieve your goals, while also calling you forward and challenging you to push past your comfort zone just enough for you to get those results you’re looking for.


Red Flag #3: Lack of Transparency

Transparency is a key quality of a coach with integrity. They should be upfront about their pricing, their methods, and their experience. If you’re getting vague answers, or if a coach seems hesitant to share this information, that’s a warning sign.

Personally, I believe in being completely transparent with my clients and potential clients. I’m upfront about what I offer, how much it costs, and what kind of results you can expect. I even love pulling up spreadsheets, data, and feedback forms to show the tangible results my clients have achieved. I think it’s important to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.

If a coach isn’t willing to be transparent about their work, it might be a sign that they’re not as confident in their methods as they should be. Don’t be afraid to ask for details, and if something feels off, trust your intuition.


Red Flag #4: One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Your entrepreneurial journey is unique. Every coach, healer, and entrepreneur will experience different challenges, roadblocks, successes, and timelines for success. So if a coach offers a cookie-cutter solution and insists that it’s the only way to achieve success, take a pause and make sure you think through the decision carefully.

A high-level, high-vibe coach will share their methods and encourage you to follow them, but they’ll also empower you to adapt and find what works best for you. They’ll understand that what works for one person might not work for another, and they’ll support you in finding your own path.

If you come across a coach who insists that there’s only one way to do things, take a step back and consider whether their approach aligns with your values and your business. Remember, there are many roads to success, and it’s important to find the one that resonates with you.


Red Flag #5: Disrespect for Your Boundaries

A good coach will honor your boundaries and never pressure you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. They might challenge you, push you to grow, and hold you accountable, but they should always respect your limits.

If a coach disregards your boundaries or makes you feel uncomfortable or shameful, it’s a huge red flag. It’s important to work with someone who understands and respects your needs, and who will support you in a way that feels safe and empowering.

When considering a coach or mentor, check in with yourself and notice how you feel around them. If something feels off or if they’re crossing your boundaries, trust that feeling and don’t ignore it.


Red Flag #6: Negative Talk About Other Coaches

This one is unfortunately too common in the coaching industry: coaches who elevate themselves by bringing others down. If you see someone publicly bashing another coach or program, it’s not a good sign.

High-vibe coaches don’t need to engage in negative chatter to prove their worth. They let their actions, their energy, and their results speak for themselves. If a coach is more focused on tearing others down than on uplifting their own community and being louder in the work that they do, it’s worth giving that a second look and reconsidering whether they’re the right fit for you.

As a coach, I believe in trusting my audience to see through the noise and recognize integrity when they see it. I don’t waste my energy on negativity, and I encourage you to seek out coaches who embody that same positive, supportive energy.


Trust Yourself and The Universe

At the end of the day, it all comes down to trust. I trust you to make decisions that feel good for you, and I want you to trust yourself, too. Your dreams are on the line, and it’s crucial to listen to those signals, those nudges from your body and intuition.

Whenever you’re considering working with a coach or mentor, take the time to do a somatic check-in. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and connect with your inner guidance. Notice what comes up for you—whether it’s a feeling of excitement, a sense of peace, or a twisty feeling in your stomach. Trust those breadcrumbs your nervous system is leaving you.

You know what’s right for you. And if you don’t have the answer yet, that’s okay. There’s no rush. Give yourself the time and space to make a decision that feels aligned and true to who you are.


How to Choose the Right Coach or Mentor

Now that we’ve covered the red flags, let’s talk about how to choose the right coach or mentor for your journey. Here are a few questions to ask yourself during the decision-making process:

  1. Does This Person Feel Safe? 

Safety is SO important when it comes to choosing a coach or mentor. Do you feel emotionally and mentally safe in their presence? Do they create a space where you can be vulnerable and authentic without fear of judgment? If the answer is yes, that’s a good sign.

  1. Do Their Values Align with Mine?

It’s important to work with someone whose values align with your own. Take some time to explore their beliefs, their approach to coaching, and their mission. Do they resonate with you? Do they reflect what’s important to you in your business and life?

  1. Do They Empower Me to Make My Own Decisions?

A great coach will empower you to make decisions that are right for you. They’ll guide you, challenge you, and provide support, but they won’t try to control you or manipulate your choices. They’ll trust you to know what’s best for your business.

  1. Are They Transparent About Their Work?

Transparency is a key indicator of integrity. A good coach will be open and honest about their methods, their pricing, and the results they’ve helped their clients achieve. They won’t hide behind vague promises or unclear details.

  1. Do They Respect My Boundaries?

Boundaries are essential in any coaching relationship. A respectful coach will honor your limits, never pushing you to do something you’re not comfortable with. They’ll challenge you in a way that feels supportive and aligned with your growth.

6. Do They Speak Positively About Others in the Industry?

Pay attention to how a coach speaks about their peers in the industry. High-vibe coaches uplift others and focus on their own work rather than tearing others down. If a coach is constantly criticizing others, it’s worth reconsidering whether they’re the right fit for you.


Your Journey, Your Choice

Remember, your entrepreneurial journey is unique, and so is your path to success. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and it’s important to find a coach or mentor who resonates with you on a deep level. Trust yourself, listen to your intuition, and don’t be afraid to walk away from a situation that doesn’t feel right.

You deserve to work with someone who genuinely cares about your growth, your success, and your well-being. Someone who will support you in a way that feels aligned with your values and your vision for your business.


Final Thoughts

I know this was a bit of a lengthy, spicy post, but it’s a conversation that needs to be had. There are so many incredible heart-centered coaches and mentors out there who truly want to make a difference in the world. And the more of us who are out there doing this work, the bigger the impact we can make.

But it’s crucial to be discerning and to protect yourself from those who don’t have your best interests at heart. By recognizing the red flags and trusting your intuition, you can find a coach or mentor who will help you grow in a way that feels authentic and empowering.

If this post resonated with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. My email inbox and DMs are always open, and I’m here to help you process anything that came up for you.

And if you’re ready to take your visibility to the next level with the support of a heart-centered coach & community, I invite you to apply for my new group program, Vibrant Visibility. This is your opportunity to show up powerfully, trust your intuition, and grow your business in a way that feels fulfilling, sustainable, and aligned with your heart.

Apply for Vibrant Visibility Here

Sending you all the love and light.



Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

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