Creating Ease vs. Having It Easy

aligned action business with ease entrepreneurial boundaries heart-centered coaching inner work

Creating Ease in Your Business: Why It’s Not the Same as "Having It Easy"

Hey, friends! Today, I’m diving into something I’ve been reflecting on a lot lately—the difference between creating a business with ease and just making things easy. I know it might sound like splitting hairs, but stick with me because this distinction can make all the difference in how you approach your work and, ultimately, your success.

This idea was sparked by a recent coaching call with my mentor, Anna (shout out to her!). We talked about how important it is to intentionally build a business that feels easeful and aligned with where you are in your human experience. But here’s the thing: ease doesn’t mean skipping the hard work. It’s about flowing with your natural rhythms and honoring your energy, not avoiding challenges or “taking the easy way out”.

So, let’s unpack what it really means to create a business with ease—and why that’s so much more rewarding than striving for things to be easy.


The Difference Between Ease and Easy

When I first started my business, I had a vision of creating something that felt full of ease and flow. But let me be clear: ease isn’t the same as easy. Building a business with ease means you’re working hard, but you’re doing it in a way that honors your energy, values, and the season of life you’re in.

For example, you might look at someone who’s super fit and assume it’s easy for them to stay in shape. But what you don’t see is the years of dedication, the internal struggles, and the countless hours of sweat equity that went into making that lifestyle feel easeful. The same goes for business. If you’ve experienced success and things feel like they’re flowing now, it’s because of the hard work you’ve already put in.


Acknowledging Your Successes: Give Yourself Credit

I want to take a moment to reflect on the areas of your life where you’ve created ease. It’s easy (no pun intended) to overlook your successes and chalk them up to luck or natural talent. But the truth is, if something feels easy now, it’s because you’ve done the work to make it that way.

So, here’s an exercise: grab a journal or a piece of paper and write down three things you want to give yourself credit for. These could be in your business, your personal life, your health—whatever comes to mind. Think about the hard work, the dedication, and the inner growth that went into creating that ease. Celebrate those wins because you’ve earned them! Here are some of the things I am personally giving myself credit for as I’ve created ease in my own life and business:

1. My Journey: Doing the Inner Work

The first thing I want to give myself credit for in my own journey is doing the inner work. People see my business now and might think it came easily, but what they don’t see are the countless moments of doubt, fear, and breakdowns I’ve faced along the way.

In every phase of my business, I’ve had to sit with uncomfortable emotions—grief, frustration, jealousy, and more. I’ve cried through many coaching calls, and I’ve allowed myself to feel everything deeply instead of pushing those feelings away. This inner work has been crucial because it’s allowed me to build a business that feels true to who I am, not just something that looks good on paper.

If you’re going through a tough time in your business, I want you to know that it’s okay to feel those feelings. Don’t rush to fix them or make them go away. Sit with them, honor them, and trust that they are part of your growth.

2. Taking Aligned Action: Turning Feelings Into Fuel

The second thing I’m proud of is taking aligned action. It’s one thing to do the inner work, but it’s another to turn those insights into tangible steps. After processing my emotions, I don’t just sit there—I get up and take action. I reach out to people, show up for my audience, and consistently evaluate how I can improve.

But here’s the key: I make sure that every action I take is aligned with my values and feels authentic. It’s not about hustling for the sake of hustling. It’s about doing the work that feels good to my soul, even when it’s challenging.

If you’re finding it hard to take action, ask yourself how you can make it feel more aligned. Maybe you need to adjust your energy, shift your mindset, or revisit your “why.” Whatever it is, find a way to make it feel true to who you are.

3. Setting Boundaries: Protecting Your Energy

The third thing I give myself credit for is setting boundaries. I’ve learned that it’s not enough to just do the inner work and take action—you also need to protect your energy. Without boundaries, it’s easy to burn out, even when you’re doing work you love.

For me, setting boundaries means two things: energetic boundaries and physical boundaries. Energetic boundaries involve tuning out the noise—muting or unfollowing people who drain my energy or make me doubt myself. Physical boundaries mean scheduling rest breaks, making time for fun, and nourishing my body with clean eating and hydration.

For instance, just the other day, I decided to take a break in the middle of a launch. My husband invited me to a work picnic, and I knew I needed that time to replenish my energy. So, I canceled my calls and spent the day by the water, soaking up the sun and enjoying quality time with him. It was exactly what I needed to recharge and come back stronger for the rest of the launch.


Why Ease Doesn’t Mean Easy: The Work Behind the Flow

Here’s the thing that doesn’t get talked about enough: creating ease in your business takes work. It’s not something that just happens. It’s the result of consistent inner work, aligned action, and strong boundaries. It’s about finding the flow that feels right for you—not just copying what others are doing.

If you’re looking at other entrepreneurs and wondering why things seem so easy for them, remember that you’re only seeing the results, not the journey. Every successful business has its own story of challenges, growth, and hard work.


Reflecting on Your Journey: Celebrate Your Wins

Now, let’s bring it back to you. If you’re feeling like your business doesn’t have that sense of ease yet, I want you to take a moment to reflect. Is there any part of your life where you do feel ease? Maybe it’s in your relationships, your health, or a hobby you love. What did you do to create that ease? What hard work, inner growth, and dedication went into it?

Take some time to celebrate those wins. Write them down, share them with a friend, or just take a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come. And if you’re feeling brave, I’d love for you to share your wins with me—send me an email or DM me on social media. I’d be honored to celebrate with you.


Embracing Joy and Vulnerability

Before I wrap up, I want to touch on something else that came up during my reflections—how difficult it can be to fully embrace joy. Brené Brown talks about how joy is the most vulnerable emotion we can feel because it means opening ourselves up to the possibility of loss.

When things start to feel easy or joyful, it’s natural to worry that it could all be taken away. But here’s the truth: living in that vulnerability is part of the journey. It’s what allows us to experience the fullness of joy, ease, and flow in our lives and businesses.

So, if you’re finding it hard to embrace the ease you’ve created, know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to feel vulnerable. It’s okay to celebrate your wins while also holding space for the possibility that things might change. That’s the beautiful, messy reality of being human.


Final Thoughts: Ease, Not Easy

To sum it all up, building a business with ease doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. It’s about doing the deep inner work, taking aligned action, and setting boundaries that protect your energy and well-being. It’s about finding a flow that feels true to who you are, not just following a blueprint for success.

I hope this post has inspired you to reflect on your own journey and celebrate the ease you’ve created in your life. Remember, you’ve worked hard to get here—give yourself credit for that!

I’d love to invite you to join Vibrant Visibility, my six-month group coaching program. This program is all about doing the somatic and inner work that helps you feel safe to be seen, so you can step fully into your power and attract your dream clients.

Click the link below to join the waitlist and be notified when the next round starts. I can’t wait to support you on your journey to vibrant visibility!

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Thank you for being part of this beautiful community. I’m so grateful for you, and I hope this post has brought you some much-needed inspiration and encouragement as you continue to build your heart-aligned businesses.




Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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