5 Profitable Launching Skills Nobody Talks About

aligned launch strategies authentic business growth entrepreneur heart-centered launching self-trust storytelling in marketing

5 Launching Skills Nobody Talks About (But You Need!)

Hey loves! I’m coming at you fresh off the excitement of closing the doors to Vibrant Visibility, my group program that kicks off with our first call soon. I’m so grateful for the 8 amazing women who have stepped into this space, ready to show up fully visible in their businesses.

Today, I want to talk about something many new coaches think about often when they’re growing their business: launching. Specifically, I want to share five profitable launching skills that don’t get enough attention. These skills go beyond strategy and tactics—they’re the deeper, heart-centered practices that have helped me stay grounded, aligned, and excited during the launch process.

Launching can feel like a wild ride, right? It’s exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and full of unknowns. But with these five key skills, you’ll feel more confident, connected, and in flow with your business—and the best part? These skills will serve you in all areas of your life, not just your next launch.

So, let’s dive in!


1. Authentic, Heart-to-Heart Connections

When you think about launching, the first thing that comes to mind might be the need to connect with potential clients. But I’m not just talking about hitting a certain number of calls or DMing people with an agenda. No, this is about genuine, heart-to-heart connections that come from a place of authenticity.

Here’s the difference:
There’s a kind of connection that’s fueled by fear, scarcity, and a desperate need to hit your numbers. But then there’s another, deeper type of connection—one where you show up as yourself, vulnerable, real, and excited. That energy is magnetic.

When I launched Vibrant Visibility, I shared every step of the journey with my audience in real-time. I let them in on my creative process, my excitement, and even my fears. I went live in my Facebook group, completely nerding out about the program—and guess what? My excitement sparked their excitement.

Actionable Steps:

  • Share where you are right now with your audience. Let them in on the process, the behind-the-scenes moments, the highs, and even the lows.
  • Focus on building real, unattached connections—no agenda. Just be you.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell your potential clients, “I’ve been wanting to coach you for a long time,” if that’s true! People can feel when you’re being authentic. 


2. Waiting for Aligned Timing (AKA Patience!)

This one took a lot of practice for me—waiting for aligned timing. In the fast-paced world of business, it’s easy to feel like you have to jump on every opportunity right now. But sometimes, waiting for the right time is exactly what you need.

Let me share a personal story with you. I originally had the vision for Vibrant Visibility over a year and a half ago, but I was deep in postpartum depression at the time, juggling new motherhood and coming back from maternity leave. Despite my urgency to launch, something in me knew it wasn’t time. So, I waited.

Was it easy to wait? Heck no. But looking back, it was the best decision I could have made. I spent that time refining my ideas, systematizing other parts of my business, and getting everything into alignment. When I finally launched this program, everything flowed with ease. The content practically wrote itself!

Actionable Steps:

  • Listen to your body. If something feels off or there’s hesitation about launching, trust that. Slow down and ask yourself: is it fear, or is it a lack of clarity or alignment?
  • Notice the signs from your audience. Are they struggling with the exact problem your offer solves? If so, that might be your sign that the time is right.
  • Use the waiting time wisely. Systematize other areas of your business, nurture your audience, and let the ideas simmer without pressure. 


3. The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools you can use during a launch. Good marketing isn’t just about listing features or benefits—it’s about sharing stories that connect on an emotional level.

When I write social media posts, emails, or even talk on podcasts, I aim to pull my audience into a narrative that resonates with them. Whether it’s sharing my own struggles or stories from my clients, I want people to feel like I get them—and that my offer will meet them where they are.

One practice I love is voice-memoing my thoughts after a coaching session. Whether it’s a breakthrough my client had or a reflection on something I experienced during the call, I capture the raw emotion in that moment. Later, I use these stories in my content. It keeps my marketing real and grounded in my authentic voice.

Actionable Steps:

  • After every client call, take a few minutes to voice memo your key takeaways. What breakthroughs or stories can you use in your marketing?
  • Focus on storytelling in your posts, emails, and conversations. Share both the struggles and the transformations.
  • Infuse your personality into your marketing. Your audience needs to feel who you are through your words.


4. Self-Trust and Detachment from the Outcome

Let’s talk about self-trust. One of the hardest things about launching is detaching from the outcome. When you pour your heart and soul into something, it’s natural to want it to go perfectly. But here’s the thing: if you believe in your offer deeply enough, you can trust that it’s all going to work out—whether you hit your goal numbers or not.

During my latest launch, I leaned into this practice of self-trust. I kept reminding myself that Vibrant Visibility was my million-dollar program, and I had to trust in its magic. Even if only a couple of women signed up, I knew I’d still gather valuable data and experience for the next round.

Trust in the process because every launch brings lessons that shape you into a more confident entrepreneur.

Actionable Steps:

  • Cultivate self-trust by practicing affirmations around your offer. Remind yourself of its value, regardless of the launch outcome.
  • Notice how often you rely on external validation. Can you shift your focus inward and trust yourself more?
  • Keep your eye on the journey, not just the outcome. Every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth.


5. Willingness to Take Risks and Ask for Support

Launching requires risk. It’s vulnerable, and sometimes things don’t go as planned. But every risk you take brings with it valuable lessons that help you evolve. And when things get tough, you don’t have to go through it alone. Asking for support is a superpower in business.

Let me share an example. This past summer, I launched a retreat that didn’t go as expected. The enrollment was low, and I ended up canceling it and refunding the small few who did sign up. At first, I felt awful, but this experience opened the door for me to launch Vibrant Visibility. The lessons I learned from that “failed” retreat shaped the success of this new program.

Through that challenging time, I leaned on my mentors, my husband, and my community for support. I let myself feel all the disappointment and grief, and then I pivoted. Without that risk, Vibrant Visibility wouldn’t exist today.

Actionable Steps:

  • Assess your willingness to take risks. Are you ready to feel the discomfort of things not working out?
  • Surround yourself with a support system—mentors, coaches, or colleagues—who can help you navigate the ups and downs.
  • Be willing to feel everything, even the disappointment, and use it as fuel for your next steps.


Final Thoughts

These five launching skills—authentic connections, aligned timing, storytelling, self-trust, and risk-taking—are the keys to not only a successful launch but also a business that feels aligned with your values and vision. As you integrate these practices, you’ll find that launching becomes less about hustle and more about flow.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into these skills and transform the way you show up in your business, the waitlist for the next round of Vibrant Visibility is now open! We’ll be kicking off in February, and I’d love for you to be part of this powerful space.

Or, if you’re looking for ongoing support, join my free Facebook group, Visibility & Tech Support for Coaches. It’s a beautiful community of heart-centered entrepreneurs just like you, growing and scaling their businesses in a sustainable, aligned way.

👉 Join the Vibrant Visibility Waitlist
👉 Join the Free FB Group

Until next time, sending you so much love and light! ✨




Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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