6 Red Flags You Don't Want to Ignore When Looking to Hire a Coach

Season #2

In this episode, I talk about how to spot a scammy coach or mentor and how to find a coach who truly has your back.

I’m coming in hot today with a bit of spice because I’ve been seeing some things in the coaching community that are really lighting a fire within me. It’s bringing out my protective mama bear energy, and I want to bring this raw, honest conversation here to you.

We’re diving into how to identify red flags in potential coaches and mentors so you can make empowered, intuitive decisions about who to hire and what support to plug into that align with your values. You’ll hear me talk about the importance of trusting your gut, why a good coach would never pressure you to hire them, and what to watch out for when considering working with a coach/mentor.

If this resonated with you, please share this episode with someone who might need to hear it. Your dreams are on the line, and I want to make sure you have the tools to protect them.


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