Creating Ease vs. Having It Easy

Season #2

In this episode, I’m diving into something super close to my heart: the difference between building a business with ease versus having a business that's just easy.

This came up fresh after a powerful coaching call with my mentor, Anna (shout out to her!), and I knew I had to share it with you. We’re going to explore how creating ease in your business doesn’t mean taking the easy way out.

For me, it’s about doing the deep inner work, taking aligned action, and setting boundaries that keep me from burning myself out. I’m sharing some real talk about my own journey—the tears, the breakdowns, and the breakthroughs that have helped me build a business that feels good in my heart & soul. I also want to invite you to reflect on your own life: where have you created ease in your life/biz, and what do you need to give yourself credit for that’s allowed you to experience that ease & flow?

If this episode resonated with you, please share it with another heart-centered entrepreneur or coach who needs to hear this. And if you're ready to dive deep into the inner work that creates true ease in your business, I would love to invite you to join the waitlist for my six-month group coaching program, Vibrant Visibility. Together, we’ll do the deep inner healing & somatic work needed so that you can feel safe to be seen and step into your full power as a heart-aligned coach or entrepreneur.


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